Top Attractions to travel in Skardu
Oneiro Admin

Oneiro Admin

November 23, 2023

Skardu, in the northern part of Pakistan, is a stunning place with beautiful nature and interesting history. It’s in the Gilgit-Baltistan region and is a great mix of natural beauty and cultural richness. If you want to experience Pakistan’s vibrant culture and explore wild, rugged areas, Skardu is a must-visit. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or it’s your first time, Skardu will leave a lasting impression. Check out this detailed Skardu Travel Guide to learn more about what the place offers and how to make the most of your trip.

Attractions in Skardu

Skardu has a lot of wealth to see for all kinds of interests. There are old things to check out, like important historical places and amazing natural sights. Whether you like history or just love beautiful views, Skardu has something for you. Here are some of the best things to see there:

Shigar Fort

The Serena Shigar Fort is an old fort from the 17th century that got fixed up and turned into a hotel. It’s in the pretty Shigar Valley and gives you a peek into the area’s history and culture. There are 20 rooms with classic wooden furniture, making your stay cozy and traditional.

K2 Base Camp

The K2 Base Camp is great for people who love adventures and climbing mountains. It’s up high at 5,150 meters, and you can see amazing views of the Karakoram Mountains from there. But be ready for a tough k2 base camp trek to get there – it’s not easy, and you should have some experience and prepare for it beforehand.

Manthal Buddha Rock

The Manthal Buddha Rock is a carving of Buddha made on a rock around the 8th century. It’s in the Manthal Valley and shows that Buddhism was important there long ago. Archaeologists worked hard to keep the carving safe, so we can learn about the area’s history and culture from it.

Deosai National Park

The Deosai National Park is a big, flat area up in the mountains with lots of different plants and animals. It’s really high up at 4,114 meters and is about 3,000 square kilometers in size. In this park, you can find cool animals like the Himalayan brown bear, snow leopard, and many types of birds. It’s especially nice to visit during sunny months when the wildflowers are all colorful and blooming.

Satpara Lake

Satpara Lake is a pretty glacial lake near Skardu. It’s surrounded by snowy mountains, giving you stunning views. People love to go fishing and boating there too.

Katpana Lake and Cold Desert

Katpana Lake and Cold Desert are close to Skardu Airport. The lake has clear water that mirrors the nearby mountains, and the Cold Desert is like a sandy desert surrounded by snowy mountains. This unique mix of sand dunes and snowy peaks draws many visitors every year because of its stunning beauty.

Khaplu Palace

The Khaplu Palace is a really old building from the 1800s. It’s in the Khaplu Valley and now works as a hotel. The palace is a cool mix of history and culture from the area. If you love history and like staying in places with a lot of heritage, you should definitely check it out.

Oneiro Admin

Oneiro Admin

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