things to do in
6 things to do in Islamabad
Oneiro Admin

Oneiro Admin

November 29, 2023

Discovering Islamabad can be a delightful experience, offering a blend of tranquility and outdoor adventures. In this guide, we’ll explore 6 things to do in the capital city of Pakistan, ranging from cultural gems to nature escapes. 

Take a moment to hear the evening prayer call at Faisal Mosque

Here’s another great place to catch a beautiful sunset in Islamabad: the Faisal Mosque. This huge mosque looks different from the others in the city because its modern white design makes it seem like a nomadic bedouin tent, not an old Mughal building. It’s no surprise since a king from Saudi Arabia paid for it. Despite its unique style, the mosque looks stunning when it lights up during sunset, especially with the Margalla Hills in the background. You can hear the call to prayer as it echoes through the air, and if you want, you can join the crowd going inside for the sunset prayer called maghrib. Remember, you can’t go into the mosque unless it’s prayer time, so make sure not to miss this special moment.

Enjoy tasty street food at Melody Food Park.

Islamabad doesn’t have as many street food options as other cities in Pakistan, but there’s a cool spot called Melody Food Park in G6 Markaz where you can eat well without spending too much. They’ve got everything from tasty fresh juices to crispy samosas and delicious plates of pulao with kebabs on top. If you search around a bit in Melody Food Park, you’ll likely find whatever food you’re craving. It’s one of my top picks for affordable and tasty food in Islamabad!

Explore the heart of old Rawalpindi, also known as Pindi.

I really love Rawalpindi, and there’s so much more to it than just a single mention on a list of cool things to do in Islamabad. For now, let’s focus on this must-do activity! Rawalpindi, the older, busier sibling of Islamabad, might be a bit chaotic and not as clean, but it’s a hidden gem of historical buildings, amazing facades, and religious sites waiting for curious explorers. I’ve spent weeks wandering around the old part of Rawalpindi, and every visit teaches me something new.

To avoid the traffic, hop on the Metro Bus from Islamabad to Rawalpindi’s center, starting at Waris Khan station. Once there, explore to your heart’s content. If you’d like some guidance and a lot of history, my friend Hassan leads fantastic walking tours of Rawalpindi. He’ll show you places I’m sure you wouldn’t discover on your own. You can connect with him through the Pindi Heritage Tours Instagram.

Take a walk up the Margalla Hills.

The Margalla Hills National Park is like Islamabad’s big natural playground. It’s a huge area with lots of green hills, perfect for people who like walking, biking, or just enjoying nature. There are many trails on the hills, some that many people use and some that are a bit secret. My personal favorite is Trail 5, especially if you’re new to hiking. You can use Google Maps or to find other trails if you want more options.


Just a quick note about staying safe: It’s a good idea to go with friends when you’re hiking here. There are wild animals like monkeys, leopards, and sometimes not-so-friendly people. Unfortunately, there have been cases of bad things happening to women hiking alone, so it’s important to be careful. Bring a stick with you just in case. Also, keep in mind that your phone might not work well in the hills, so tell someone where you’re going before you head out.

Enjoy music at Shah Allah Ditta caves.

Sometimes, you might catch some music vibes at the Shah Allah Ditta caves near the city, especially on weekends. There are a few musicians with Sufi songs and a lively harmonium who like to hang out under the trees on Saturdays and Sundays. They’re friendly and might even play a song you request! If they’re not around, no worries – you can still explore the caves and grab a cup of chai at one of the cozy cafes nearby.


In conclusion, Islamabad has a mix of cool stuff like the beautiful Faisal Mosque, the tasty Melody Food Park, the old charm of Rawalpindi, and the pretty Margalla Hills. There’s also soulful music at Shah Allah Ditta caves. Islamabad isn’t just a city; it’s like an invite to have fun, find new things, and make awesome memories.

Oneiro Admin

Oneiro Admin

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