Shounter Lake
Shounter Lake – A Beautiful Jewel in Azad Kashmir
Oneiro Admin

Oneiro Admin

November 25, 2023

Nestled in the beautiful scenery of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Shounter Lake is a stunning sight. This mountain lake, located way up high, has bright blue water and is surrounded by snowy mountains. Visiting it feels like stepping into a magical experience.


Shounter Lake is in Shounter Valley, a part of Neelum Valley in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. It’s about 10,200 feet high and is called the ‘Pearl of Shounter Valley.’ The lake gets water from glaciers nearby and can be visited in the summer (June to August) when the ice melts and a jeep track opens up.

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The untouched charm of Shounter Lake.

Shounter Lake is beautiful because it’s peaceful and hasn’t changed much. The water is super clear and reflects the green mountains around it, making a really pretty view. In the summer, there are lots of colorful wildflowers, making the place even more charming. It’s a perfect place to relax and think.

People who love animals will like it too because there are different kinds of birds and small animals around the lake. The variety of plants and animals makes this place even more special.

Shounter Lake Adventures

Getting to Shounter Lake is an adventure! You start from Kel, the closest town, and embark on an exciting journey to the lake. First, there’s a thrilling jeep ride, and then a hike with breathtaking views of the beautiful landscapes. The trek to the lake is not too difficult and is doable for people with decent fitness levels.

Once you reach the lake, there are plenty of things to do. Camping by the lake, especially under the starry sky, is an amazing experience. People also enjoy nature walks, bird watching, and taking photos of the stunning surroundings. The peaceful atmosphere of the lake makes it a perfect spot for meditation and yoga.

A Trip That’s Worth It

Getting to Shounter Lake might be a bit tough because it’s way up high and in a distant spot. But trust me, the trip is totally worth it! The lake is super beautiful, the surroundings are peaceful, and the nature views are stunning. It’s like a special and unforgettable adventure. This place lets you get away from the busy city life and really connect with nature in its most beautiful form.


Shounter Lake is like a secret treasure in Pakistan’s beautiful landscapes. It’s a high-up lake that’s perfect for people who love nature and adventure, or just want a peaceful and stunning getaway.

Oneiro Admin

Oneiro Admin

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